HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Benchmarking of TIP Manila Architecture Department

Jefferson L. Canare

Discipline: Architecture



Every school is aiming to be on top in their own special fields. That is why each of them has its own vision and mission statements. These statements are the base points of every institution; they are guiding rules to enable them to be on top.

One way of being on top is benchmarking, which is a process used in management where organizations evaluate various aspects of their processes in relation to best practices, usually within their own sector.

This study aims to search for the best design really suited for the Architecture Department and to identify the current needs in terms of facilities and what the new trends are in architectural education. The target results of the research study were considered as the starting point for the development of the TIP Manila Architecture Department.

The output of the study is an architectural design that focuses on the retro-fitting and physical planning and improvement of the existing Architecture department of the Technological institute of the Philippines. This research study is very beneficial to the school; the Technological Institute of the Philippines, since is planning to apply for Level 1 Accreditation. Aside from that, it will be a great support in meeting the vision of TIP to become the leading school in the year 2012; the school’s 50th anniversary.