HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Development of a Web-Based Enrolment Kiosk in Feeder High Schools Utilizing Biometrics Systems for TIP Manila

Armie R. Cruz | Michelle V. Parreño | Nora E. Bautista

Discipline: Information Technology, Computer Technology



Enrolment is one of the most tedious and strenuous procedures that the students encounter every semester.    Technological Institute of the Philippines is one of the private schools, which still employs manual enrolment procedure.  The problems encountered by the students during enrolment are the manual selection of subject schedules, which resulted in conflicting schedules and encoding of incorrect catalogue numbers due to human error.  Additionally, the procedure requires more time and even days for the students to accomplish their enrolment.

The Web-Based Enrolment Kiosk (WBE) is like an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) located in feeder high schools. These kiosks are networked with the kiosks in TIP Manila campus which help the students to have a faster and efficient enrolment within or even outside the campus. The kiosk can be operated easily. The machine is user-friendly and can perform various features including subject scheduling, verification of grades of the students, encoding of the subjects enrolled and assessment of tuition fee dues.

The system utilized the biometric technology specifically fingerprint scanner as starting point of the enrollment process.  Users must register supplementary information such as personal details to be able to access the machine.  It offers complete administration of a full range of flexible benefit programs – from checking of grades in previous semester to encoding of subjects being enrolled.

The study conducted testing in terms of accuracy and speed. The accuracy test was based on the manual enrolment of TIP and the proposed system. The speed test was based on the time if there was a conflict and if subject was duplicated.