HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

The Effect of Value Integration on Students’ Achievement in Algebra and Trigonometry

Felicito H. Dumalay | Michelle F. Dumalay

Discipline: Mathematics, Education



This study endeavored to find out the effects of integrating values in the mathematical performance of the students in algebra during school year 2007-2008.

The study made use of the experimental method of research. The instrument used was established and validated by the researchers. Respondents of the study comprised 68 freshman college students of TIP Manila, who were enrolled in algebra. The respondents were divided into two groups, experimental and control groups. Experimental respondents were accountancy students and control groups were engineering students. Each student in the first group was paired with one student in the second group.

The experimental group had ages limited from 16 to 24, and female-dominated. Most of them were BS Accountancy and BS Entrepreneurship students. Their mathematical performance was average. The control group had a disperse distribution of ages between 16 and 30, and male-dominated. The courses were also well distributed into Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Communications and Industrial Engineering. Their mathematical performance was also average.