HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Determinants of On-Board Ship Acceptance of TIP Marine Cadets by Shipping Companies

Noel R. Calandria

Discipline: Study and Teaching, Maritime Industry



Marine Transportation/Engineering and Shipboard department conducted this study in December 2007 to look into the determinants of acceptability of TIP Manila maritime cadets in the Qualifying Examination administered by shipping companies. Specifically the study aimed to find out the level of acceptability of students to cadetship in terms of these qualifying examination. The subjects of this investigation were 43 randomly selected Maritime cadets who took the Qualifying Examinations administered by shipping companies in Metro Manila from the year 2003 to 2008 This descriptive- correlational research utilized frequency counts, percentages, and non-parametric statistical treatment to analyze the data obtained in determining the respondents’ profile. The Chi-square test is used in finding the correlation (3.1951) of the cadets’ acceptability and academic standing.