HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Impact of Tana-Based Training Program on Teaching Effectiveness: An Assessment

Josefina N. Lopez

Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching



The main concern of the study was to assess the impact of TANA-based training program on teaching effectiveness. Primarily the study sought to determine the profile of teachers and evaluate if there is a significant difference in the performance of teachers before and after the training.

The study was conducted at the Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) – Manila campus during the second semester, academic year 2007 – 2008, where faculty members (n=49) were the subject of the study. The study purposively selected the faculty-respondents from the list of identified faculty members who need training given by the Human Resource Department. Also, only the faculty members who were participants of both the 2005 – 2006 and 2006 – 2007 TANA-based trainings were considered as sample for the study.