HomeTIP Research Journal Quezon Cityvol. 5 no. 1 (2008)

Development of a Synthesized Job Placement Program for TIP Quezon City Graduates

Alexie E. Ballon



The Alumni and Placement Office currently provides graduates with programs that will assist them in their employment to companies. Such programs include, job fairs, posting job opportunities in bulletin boards, and referrals. Despite these efforts conducted by the Alumni and Placement Office, the number of graduates employed through the job placement programs is very low. According to the Job Placement Program from June 2005 to December 2007, there were only 37 graduates placed by the office to companies for employment.

It is in this light that this study was undertaken to develop a synthesized job placement program for the TIP Quezon City graduates to enhance the school’s job placement process. This study is aimed to determine the mode of job search most considered by graduates in looking for jobs. It also determined the skills or competencies found most useful by graduates in their first job.

Based from the Graduate Tracer Survey conducted by the Alumni and Placement Office, the findings showed that the top answers for mode of job search were: Walk-in applications with 348 respondents or 33.3 percent; Recommendation with 284 responses or 27.2 and Advertisement with 237 responses or 22.7 percent; Information Technology skills with 28% of the total responses and communication skills with 24.2% were the competencies learned in college which the respondents found very useful in their first job. The top two answers used as inputs in the creation of activities and training programs were provided to graduates to enhance skills and level of competency.