HomeTIP Research Journal Quezon Cityvol. 5 no. 1 (2008)

Faculty Related Factors And Performance

Roselia C. Morco



This study sought to determine the related factors that affect teaching performance based on faculty members’ personal profile such as age, civil status, gender, educational attainment, teaching experience and monthly salary and professional profile such as researches, overload, membership to professional organization and trainings.

The study made use of the descriptive survey research. The data were acquired from full time faculty members who have taught in the summer 2008. Data gathering was done through questionnaire from the respondents who have taught in the summer 2008. Data gathering was done through questionnaires from the respondents and through the Human Resource Department. Frequency counts, percentages and multiple correlations were used to analyze the data.

Findings showed that the highest age rate is 14.29% with age 31; 53.37% are female and 46.43% are male; 60.71% are married and the remaining 39.29% are still majority of the respondents have finished their masters degree with a rate of 57.14%, 17.86% are faculty with MS/MA units, 14.29% are having their doctoral and the lowest percentage rate for BS/AB graduate was 10.71%. The highest proportion of teaching experience is 17.86% with 6 years followed by 14.29% with 10 years experience, 17 from among the respondents have teaching experience of below 190 years and 11 of them have teaching experience of 10 years above. With regard to salary, 57.14% are receiving a monthly salary of Php16,000-30,000, 28.575% are receiving below Php15,000, 14.29% are receiving Php31, 000-40,000 and no faculty is receiving above Php41,000. On the personal profile, the correlation coefficients showed that only civil status had a significant correlation while the other independent variables such as age, gender, educational attainment, teaching experience and salary did not have any significant correlation with teaching performance. In the professional profile, the average result did not relate significantly to teaching performance.