HomeTilamsikvol. 8 no. 1 (2015)

“Is Being Single an Option?”: An Exploratory Study on the Decision Making Patterns of Selected Single Adults

Rene P. Zubieto



Every day we make many decisions. Some of these might be relatively unimportant, like – what to eat for breakfast, what TV show to watch as examples. As compared to demanding tasks – such as selecting a university, a home, or a job – that are more important and requires thorough thinking. Moreover, to get married or to stay single requires an individual to decide with more complexity.  Making all these decisions are often difficult because each alternative usually has many aspects, and very seldom does the best alternative excel over all others. One reason decisions can be difficult is because alternatives usually have many attributes. If one attribute is not very attractive, the individual must decide whether to eliminate that alternative or to continue  considering it (Reed, 2010). This paper, explores the influence of family, the perceptions toward marriage of selected single adults and in the investment on various priorities that the single individual intends to pursue which affect the cognitive – developmental process of the selected participants from a rural barrio in Quezon province.