vol. 10, no. 1 (2018)
The Palawan Scientist
The Palawan Scientist is a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal published by the Western Philippines University, Aborlan, Palawan, Philippines. While WPU made all possible efforts to ensure the accuracy of all information, it does not provide warrantees as to the accuracy and or completeness of the information. The opinion and ideas expressed in this publication are by the authors and not necessarily of WPU
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Marine algae of the Sulu Sea islands, Philippines III. Taxonomic account of the Gracilariaceae (Rhodophyta) from the Cuyo Islands
Lawrence M Liao
Length-weight relationship of marine fishes from Palawan, Philippines
Herminie P Palla | Honorio B. Pagliawan | Edwin F Rodriguez | Bernaldo S Montaño | George T Cacho | Benjamin J. Gonzales | Carey Bonnell | Tom Fowler
Exploring Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Self Efficacy Belief of Senior High School Biology Teachers in Batangas City
Abegail L Gonzales
Effects of forest management practices on microbial biomass, litter decomposition, microbial abundance, and the soil’s physical and chemical properties of replacement plantations after pine wilt disease
Jhonamie A Mabuhay-Omar | Shellajean M Omar | Nobukazu Nakagoshi
Saving Almaciga (Agathis philippinensis): means of cultural preservation and species rehabilitation in Palawan, Philippines
Edgar D Jose
Mammals of Cleopatra’s Needle Critical Habitat: Outcomes of a rapid assessment
Paris N Marler | Edgar D Jose | Lyca Sandrea G Castro | Jeric B Gonzalez
Back Matter
Guide to Authors
Table of Contents