vol. 5, no. 2 (2022)
'Innovatus' is the past participle of the Latin word 'Innovare' or Innovate. Innovatus is the official research journal of the University of Asia and the Pacific, Department of Information Science and Technology. The first issue of Innovatus is a compilation of double-blind peer-reviewed research articles from the 2nd International Research Conference on Emerging Trends in Asia and the Pacific held last February 21, 2018 and the Best Research Papers of UA&P Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Students. The journal publishes at least one issue per year. It accepts original scholarly works in the areas of Information Technology, Computer Science, Information System, Computer Engineering, and allied disciplines.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
About Innovatus
From the Guest Editor
From the Editor in Chief
Table of Contents
Development of Intelligent transportation system from the perspective of local government units, national government agencies and transportation cooperatives
Varsolo Sunio | Sandy Mae Gaspay | Joyce Rivera | Joemier Pontawe | Robert Billones | Regina Mora | Kimberly Afundar | Katrina Corpus | Philip Puzon | Francis Salazar | Karl Lyndon Pacolor | Jo-Dann Darong
Driving efficiency, competitiveness and innovation in the maritime transportation sector through API-based integration and collaboration
Varsolo Sunio | John Anthony Jose | Francis Cruz | Mikhail Torres | Luisito Delos Santos
S&T Interventions for Intelligent Traffic Management Systems
John Anthony Jose | Varsolo Sunio
A Centralized Document Processing and Support System (CeDoPSS) for Philippine Registered Vessels
Maria Jean A. Berdin | Jelie E. Agostilo | Jacklyn A. Descartin | Michelle G. Estomo | Christakhis Niño L. Nodalo
MaDox: A Digital Tracking and Scheduling System for the Dry Docking of Philippine-flagged Vessels
John Carlo U. Ranoco | Dweena Maye V. Zamora | Raymond C. Espina
A Call for Digital Transformation in the Marine Environmental Protection Sector: A case for marine plastic litter pollution monitoring
Ian Dominic F. Tabañag | Merryl Lynch G. Mendoza | Almayra M. Samimi | Marc Yondell S. Saba | Paul Samuel P. Ignacio | Deo Florence L. Onda
Back Matter
About University of Asia and the Pacific