HomeARETEvol. 2 no. 1 (2014)


Stephanie Labra | Kitz Faye Richa | Salle Ian Cartin | Riza Mae Osano | Monique Tagaytay



In our modern world today, many new products are out in the market which are advertised through print, radio, television, and Internet. These advertisements contain different deceptive TV practices such as false promises, visual distortions, misleading comparisons and others. These deceptive practices result into many consumers being taken advantage of by companies, whose main intention is profit. The study is quasi-experimental. It was conceptualized to look into consumer’s awareness on deceptive advertisements. There were 77 students who participated. Two sets of questionnaires with the same questions were given to the respondents. The first questionnaire about advertising practices on TV (Television) was given before the lecture and the other one was given after the lecture. The quasi-experiment revealed that there is a significant relationship between the level of awareness about the products before and after the lecture about advertising practices on TV. Data showed that the respondents agreed that the products in the advertisements were truthful before the lecture. After the lecture, they no longer believed what the advertisements conveyed. Moreover, the higher the level of knowledge towards the different deceptive practices of advertisers, the more they rejected buying the products that they have seen on TV. Thus, the students, as consumers, wanted a more truthful presentation of the advertised products not only on TVs but also in reality.