HomeThe Banquetvol. 2 no. 1 (2015)

Student’s Perception on the Health Promotion of the University of the Immaculate Conception

Edwin Nicanor Y Abellar | Jomarey P Alibango | Trecia Alianna Y Cubillan | Rafael Jose G Gutierrez



The study aimed to answer the following questions: 1) What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of course, age and sex? 2) What is the level of students’ perception on health promotion of UIC in terms of curriculum, non-academic activities and other services? 3) Is there a significant difference on student’s perception of UIC health promotion in terms of the curriculum, nonacademic activities and other services? The study incorporated quota sampling method which involved 400 students coming from different programs of UIC. Respondents were given a guided response type of questionnaire. Percentage and overall student’s perception were measured to answer problem statement 1, 2 and 3.The result have shown that the respondents have a high level of awareness in terms of curriculum and non-academic activities while the survey also shows that respondents has an average level of perception in terms of other services such as (canteen, clinic and etc.). There is no significant difference on the student’s level of perception on health education when analysed according to the curriculum, non-academic activities and other services. After conducting the study, the researcher recommended that massive health education campaign should take place in the institution in order to address the on-going needs of the students.