HomeTin-awvol. 1 no. 1 (2017)

Dichotomies of Male and Female Conversations as Grounded from a Filipino Reality TV Program

Evangeline H Alvarez



This study examined and identified how male and female differ in conversation. Specifically, this paper tried to seek answers to the dichotomies and linguistics features in male and female conversations, and the insights gained from the results. With qualitative conversation analysis research design, the research material used was the Filipino reality TV show where the participants’ conversations were authentic and occurring naturally. This was participated by nine males and six females or 15 individuals in all joining in an open conversation. Twelve randomly selected videos were studied and conversations were transcribed for analysis. Results showed that females used more expressive, supportive, understanding, intimate, compromising and independent communicative style than males. Males used more informative talk and favored conflicting style in maintaining masculine status. However, the dichotomy on independence and intimacy conversation were not obvious among males. This implied that Filipino males were submissive to females in conversation. On linguistics features, females used more fillers, hedgers, and tag questions which were signs of uncertainty in expressing some of their views. Males, on the other hand, did not talk much as evidenced in the abundant use of short and limited responses than females. Males were logical and message oriented. For them,talk was for relaying information while for women, talk was for selfexpression to establish relationship and maintain friendship.