HomeTin-awvol. 2 no. 1 (2018)

Linguistic Features of Agusan-Manobo Oral Literatures

Fatima Honey Vi L. Lapidez



The language that man has acquired from his ancestors makes him tied closely to his fellowmen who have also heard of the same stories that he has listened to, yet may just as well forget the sweetness of their stories and the richness of their language. This descriptive qualitative study gathered the oral literary pieces such as folktales, songs, and chants of Agusan Manobo in Loreto, Agusandel Sur. In-depth interview, focus group discussion, member check, transcription, translation into Bisaya and English, and analysis of the linguistic features were employed in the gathering and analysis of information. Results showed that there were existing vowel and consonant sounds and diphthongs unique to the Agusan Manobo language in Loreto as compared to the national and Cebuano language. Morphologically, affixation and reduplication indicated tenses, aspect, and number. Among the lexemes identified, most numerous were verbs, nouns, the least were adjectives. There were words found to be synonymous, antonymous, converse, and hyponymies. Issues embedded were man’s need for intervention of unseen spirits, lightheartedness and simplicity of life, high regard for women, and embracing new culture.