HomeARETEvol. 5 no. 1 (2017)

Love, Desire and Passion on Primetime Television: Audience Views on Sexual Provocateur as Depicted in the TV Series “Pasión de Amor”

Maureen D. Aguisando | Cylynne Mhar Alforque | Ayanna Fu Baclia-an | Kiana Charmaine Tan

Discipline: Literature, English, Communication Arts



The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine how audiences perceive sexually provocative scenes in soap operas, particularly Pasión de Amor, and how this influences their views on relationships, as well as their notions of love, passion, desire and lust. This study used a qualitative research design in which it sought to learn the significance of audiences’ experiences on watching Pasión de Amor soap opera by using the content analysis, a systematic technique that describes visual, oral and written communication; and interviews from focus group discussions. Participants of this study were all avid and non-avid audiences of the show Pasión de Amor. We used purposive sampling, a type of non-probability sampling technique known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling. We selected 30 willing subjects particularly teens aged 18 years old and above, housewives, parents, young adults, high school and college students. Findings revealed that media became partially involved and technology, the internet, and new inventions are always there to help people in whatever life may give. However, all of these have two sides, the positive and the negative side. One example of this is television which is a popular system that gives information, entertainments, and knowledge. As the years passed, television has one of the most effective and sufficient medium used by people to inform, educate, entertain, expressed and as well as to make someone popular. But behind this, there are also disadvantages that affect people’s lives.