HomeAIDE Interdisciplinary Research Journal vol. 3 no. 1 (2022)

Extent of Compliance of Public Schools in the Implementation of Curriculum for Children with Autism in Sarangani, Philippines


Discipline: Education



The Philippine education system ensures accessible and quality education to all learners despite their unique needs and circumstances. With the same perspective, this study is anchored on the vision of the Department of Education and aimed to seek the answer to the extent of public schools’ compliance in the implementation of curriculum for children with autism in Sarangani province. The study used purposive sampling with a total enumeration of 10 elementary school heads/principals and 11 special education teachers as respondents. The findings revealed that the schools are compliant to a great extent in curriculum and school facilities while in administration and management. Further, special education teachers complied with the standards to a very great extent in teaching strategies and instructional materials and great extent in instructional materials. There was no significant difference between the assessment of the public-school teachers on compliance of the school and the implementation of curriculum for children with autism. Thus, the school principals and teachers complied with the same level regarding the curriculum implementation for children with autism. This means that school principals and teachers share the same goals and work hand-in- hand to help learners with autism.