HomePhilippine Scientific Journalvol. 51 no. 2 (2018)

Factors that affect Mini-Mental Status Exam Score of Elderly Patients from Saints Peter and John Parish Clinic Potrero Malabon City and MCU-FDTMF Hospital Health Clinic

Jo Ann Marie Seville | Suzuette S. Armin | Mary Ann B. Virola-Leh



Background: The Philippines is now going to the trend of aging population. With this, cases of dementia will also increase. The Mini Mental Status Examination is a cognitive test that is used as part of the evaluation for dementia. Objective: The aim of the study is determine the factors that affect Mini Mental Status Examination score of elderly patients from Saints Peter and John Parish Potrero, Malabon City and MCU-FDTMF Hospital Industrial Health Clinic, EDSA Caloocan. Methods: All 88 respondents were interviewed adapted from the Folstein Mini Mental Status Exam Questionnaire and data were encoded and tallied. Descriptive statistics were generated for all variables. For nominal data frequencies and percentages were computed. For numerical data, mean ± SD were generated. Analysis of the different variables was done using the following test statistics: Anova, Mann Whitney U test and Chi-square test. Results: There was no significant difference noted in the proportion of respondents with normal, mild or moderate MMSE score according to age, sex, educational level, family structure, and average number of working years as shown all p values >0.05. Conclusion: Among age, sex, educational level, family structure and average number of working years, these have no effect on the MMSE scores of the respondents.


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