HomeInternational Journal of Academic and Practical Researchvol. 2 no. 1 (2023)

Challenges and Teaching Methods for Exceptional Learners in Science: Academic Performance and Teacher Perspectives in an Inclusive Junior High School Classroom

Farah E. Parane



The purpose of this study was to identify the difficulties faced by science teachers in inclusive classrooms. The respondents to this study were the junior high school teachers handling science subjects in 16 selected secondary schools in the Division of Tanjay City. The researcher utilized a descriptive-correlational method of research. A validated researcher-made questionnaire was used as an instrument for determining the challenges encountered by science teachers in dealing with exceptional learners in an inclusive classroom. The statistical tools used in this study were the weighted mean and Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The results showed that the extent of challenges experienced by teachers in teaching exceptional learners in an inclusive classroom is high in terms of teacher preparation, learner motivation and participation, parent involvement and expectations, and time budget. In addition, it is moderate in terms of classroom management and learner behavior. The study also revealed that the academic performance of exceptional learners in science is at a fairly satisfactory level. Furthermore, there is a significant and inverse relationship between the extent to which teachers experienced challenges in terms of learners’ motivation and participation, parent involvement and expectations, and the budget of time and the learner’s academic performance.


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