HomeThe Rizalian Researchervol. 10 no. 1 (2023)


Myra Benedicta D Salgado | Ronaldo L. Seras



The main purpose of the study was to explore and investigate the lived experiences, challenges encountered and educational insights learned from the module writer teachers in the preparation of self-learning modules. The qualitative approach of the 10 module writer teachers from the different elementary schools in the Tugbok district on the lived experiences the in the preparation of the self-learning modules was observed: limited time in the module preparation, teachers’ consideration in module preparation, module preparation through collaboration, planning as requisite in module preparation. Coping mechanisms on the challenges encountered by the module writer teachers in the preparation of self-learning modules were as follows: managing time effectively, poverty, teachers’ training in module writing, collaborating with other writers and having a positive mindset. Finally, the educational insights learned from the experiences of the module writer teachers in the preparation of self-learning modules were as follows: Module writing is a challenging task, collaboration is the key to module preparation, and module preparation is part of teachers’ commitment and teachers’ love for learning. These themes can be described as an input in the successful crafting and conduct of training for module writer teachers in capacitating them on the different strategies and techniques in crafting the self-learning modules.


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