HomeThe Rizalian Researchervol. 9 no. 1 (2022)


Elisa L. Fernandez | Maylin M Blancia



This study focused on the experiences and untold stories of school heads in remote schools and examined how they cope with the management practices amidst the pandemic crisis, difficulties, aspirations, and their insights. Results of the responses were disclosed and were merged into themes such as the impact of covid on children learning; challenges faced executing remote learning, the impact on social development, difficulties faced in keeping children busy, strategies to support home learning, maintaining a strict schedule, engaging in different creative activities, the support provided by schools, mitigate the physical and mental health awareness, adaptive interactive educational pedagogy, and innovation in education delivery system. Analysis revealed that in adaptive interactive educational pedagogy, educators across the country shifted quickly to connect with students and families and support students through distance learning. However, findings from the analysis of data revealed that management practices amidst the pandemic crisis are the most significant challenge for school heads. Working in these demanding and chaotic circumstances, the pressure is relentless, the options are limited, and the sleepless night is frequent. Furthermore, this study provided insight for the department of education to know the management practices, difficulties, aspirations, and insights of school heads in managing remote schools amidst the pandemic crisis, and it also provides benefits for students as recipients of all the services and efforts that teachers and school heads exerted in addressing the relevant needs for all stakeholders.


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