HomeUniversal Journal of Educational Researchvol. 2 no. 3 (2023)


Ndayihimbaze Jean Bosco | Philothère Ntawiha | Arakaza Alexis



The students’ academic performance is the key element for both learners and teachers in examining the educational objectives for all subjects. This work is entitled “Factors contributing to Students' Academic Performance in Biology State Examination at Upper Secondary Schools in Gitega commune, Burundi” explores the factors that influence the students’ academic performance in biology national examination, particularly in Gitega commune. All school directors, laboratory, and library staff, and six senior students who did biology national examination over five school years from 2016 to 2020 in all upper secondary schools with Biology-Chemistry and Earth sciences combination formed a study population. The stratified sampling technique to carry out this correlational study for choosing the upper secondary schools from urban and rural school areas. This study covered 12 upper secondary schools, 12 library staff and 3 laboratory staff, and 1961 senior six students who were selected purposively according to the above learning combination six in 1961 senior students over five consecutive school years (2016 to 2020) as a sample. The instruments used for collecting data were questionnaires and the document review checklist. Descriptive statistics, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple linear Regression test were used to analyze the collected data and the interpretation was guided by a literature review. The findings of this study indicated that teachers’ academic qualifications were inversely associated with the students’ academic performance whereas the teachers’ professional qualifications and students’ academic performance were also negatively linked. Also, there was statistically a significant association between teaching experience and students’ academic performance while professional training of biology Teachers are significantly associated with students’ academic performance. Other contributing factors to students’ academic achievement such as physical facilities (laboratory, library, staff room, computer lab and biology textbooks were significantly and positively linked with students' academic performance. Based on these findings, recommendations were made.


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