HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 1 no. 3 (2023)

Associationship Between Selected Biomechanical Variables and the Performance of Cover Drive Shot

Pulen Das



Purpose of the study was to find out the significant relationship between cover drive shot with selected biomechanical variables of university level male Indian cricketers. Only ten (10) men University-level cricketers from Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education NERC Guwahati Assam India were selected. The performance variable was the cover drive shot, whereas the other biomechanical variables were balance, the center of gravity (CG), angle of the left elbow, angle of the right elbow, angle of the left knee, and angle of the right knee. During collecting data, two-dimensional (2D) videography was performed, and data was finalized using Kinovea software as filming protocols. Pearson coefficient correlation ('r') statistics are used at 0.05 level of significance to analyze a correlation between the variables. The study's findings did not correspond to the hypothesis formulation. Several factors could have influenced the study's outcomes. The number of subjects was significantly lower which affects the means of the variables because number of the subject may play a crucial role here since here, we are correlating means of the two variables at a single time. The current study found that the selected biomechanical variables had no significant correlation with cover drive performance among university level male participants in this study.


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