Demystifying Emerging Factors on Suicidal Risks and Behavior Among Youth: An Exploratory Factor Analysis
Shelly April Decenilla | Rona Apolinario
Discipline: Education
Numerous studies suggested that unrecognized concerns with suicide such as suicidal risks and
suicidal behavior are considered to be more fatal, affecting a population 10-20 times more than
suicide death. A total of 542 respondents with ages ranging from 15-29 years old were invited to
answer a researcher-made survey based on the theory of the Integrated- Motivational Volitional
Model to examine the bio-psychosocial environment of an individual where risk factors that
contribute to the development of suicidal behavior may exist and emerge. This was done to itemize
particular emerging factors that can lead to suicidal risks and suicidal behavior among youth.
Through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), three emerging factors were generated as suicidal risks
namely Psychosocial risks, Bio-psychosocial risks, and Psychological risks. Meanwhile one emerging
factor was drawn from suicidal behavior which is Psycho-Physiological Behavior. Findings reveal
that both variables – emerging suicidal risks and emerging suicidal behavior factors have significant
relationship implying moderate positive relationships with each other. Even a moderate expression of
these risks might serve as a catalyst for suicide conduct where hopelessness and self-destructive
behavior are present, implicating that individuals who are unable to guide themselves through it
are already at danger of attempting suicide in the future.
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