HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 5 (2022)

Boy Scout Coordinators’ Level of Participation in Scouting and Its Impact on their Self-Esteem and Job Satisfaction

Quimar Jusha Rosales

Discipline: Education



Scouting is one of the most prominent extra-curricular activities. It has a positive effect on an individual's character development and nurturing. It enables someone to use critical thinking abilities and be resilient. Moreover, it is notable in shaping adults to have self-esteem, self-reliance, and job satisfaction. This descriptive-survey research sought to determine the relationship between the teachers' level of participation in scouting activities and how it influenced their self-esteem and job satisfaction. The respondents of this study were the public elementary school boy scout coordinators in the 2nd Congressional District of Bohol, Philippines. From this population, 114 respondents were selected through cluster sampling. The researcher employed a researcher-made questionnaire (with internal consistency of alpha = 0.866) for the level of participation in scouting activities, the Selfesteem Scale survey questionnaire by Morris Rosenberg, and the Job Satisfaction Survey questionnaire by Richard Bellingham to obtain the necessary data. Results revealed that most respondents have an 'average' participation level in scouting activities, ‘low' self-esteem, and ‘very high’ job satisfaction. 'Sex' and 'length of service' were identified as predictors that influenced the level of participation in scouting. Thus, no significant relationship was found between the boy scout coordinators' participation level in scouting, self-esteem, and job satisfaction.


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