HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 4 no. 9 (2022)

Vlogging Among Filipino Youth: A Discourse Analysis

Aliah Rivas

Discipline: Education



This descriptive qualitative content research is a study on the discourse of Vlogging of Filipino Vloggers employing Finegan’s discourse analysis and patterned on Lumabao’s study about the language of flip tops. Vlogging is the new cheaper way of allowing and becoming producers to create new media every day. It is using social media sites to connect and actively promotes its videos. Thus, this study is aimed to dissect the phonological, morphological, and semantics features of the discourse of vlogging delve into the theme, and formulate a linguistic theory based on the result of the study. The corpora of the study included all the 10 vloggings downloaded from YouTube. Results show that vlogging contains phonological features such as deletion and lengthening. Morphological features found in the vlogging among Filipino youth include acronym, affixation, infixation, blending, borrowing, code mixing and switching, compounding, conversion or functional shifts and semantics shift. Semantics presented the lexical category, meaning, and words used in the discourses of vloggings. Themes generated in vloggings are Evolving on Vlogger’s Preference; suggested topic of the subscribers; Daily Routine; Family and Friends; Welcoming Viewers; Demonstration; Entertainment Purposes); Figurative Languages, Profane Languages; Interjections; Fictional Characters; and Heroes. The research indicated that vlogging have many contents that may help and enlightened to use social media in teaching and provide ways to lessen its disadvantages. Thus, this study shall also be served as a reference for future research endeavor.


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