HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 1 no. 2 (2023)

Discrimination Experienced by Women Living with HIV and AIDS Accessing Reproductive Health Service

Bhim Tamang

Discipline: Education



Women with disclosed HIV status experience different barriers and are stigmatized and discriminated against in health services. The sexual and reproductive health of women living with HIV is critical when compared to those who are not living with HIV. Discriminatory behaviour in health settings decreases the morale of women and limits the care of their health. Women living with HIV hide their status because of fear of discrimination, which puts the health personnel at high risk of transmission. The goal of this study was to learn more about the reasons for and types of discrimination faced by HIV-positive women seeking reproductive health services in healthcare settings. The researcher found three significant findings. To begin with, pre-existing social attitudes, perceptions, and information regarding women with HIV are at the foundation of stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings. Second, the forms of stigma and prejudice that WLHIV perceived or experienced differed from each other, regardless of which service under reproductive health they sought. Finally, due to such discrimination, WLHIV refuses to disclose their HIV status, delaying or avoiding seeking medical help, experiencing emotional stress, and having low self-esteem.


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