HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 2 (2023)

Results-Based Performance Management for Teachers Evaluation

Marilou Rodillas

Discipline: Education



Education instills in the person the duty of establishing and sustaining a respectable socioeconomic system, preserving and propagating human legacy, and adopting a smart and sensitive approach to resource utilization. These endeavors cannot be realized in the absence of a competent educational system, particularly a professionally competent teacher. This study aimed to determine the comparison of teachers’ performance evaluation by analyzing the final rating from the previous years and examining which among the profile may be a factor of better performance. Specifically, identifying the age of teachers, educational attainment, area of specialization, years of experience, and number of seminars/ training attended in a year. The test of comparisons will be used in order for the institution to design contextualized guidelines for results-based performance ratings. Implications and recommendations were discussed in the study.


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