HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 5 (2023)

Inquiry on the Lived Experiences of Teachers Handling Learners with Special Needs in the Division of Biñan City

Jireh Mercado | Peter Andrew Regencia

Discipline: Education



This study aims to describe, understand and explore the lived experiences of teachers handling learners with special needs in the Division of Biñan City. The study's results will serve as the basis for designing various learning and development programs and pieces of training that would enhance the capability of teachers in dealing with learners with special needs and provide a support system to teachers in the implementation of inclusive Education. Based on the findings of the study, teachers are the core facilitators of future leaders' skills, knowledge, and values. Teachers who are motivated enough can perform their duties and responsibilities well and yield good results in the long run. They could produce excellent leaders in the present who will contribute to the country's sustainable development in the years to come. Learning about teachers' experiences and challenges in handling students with special needs will strengthen their role in the educational system. Despite the difficulties encountered by the teachers in accommodating students with special needs, they provide the best possible strategies to cater to their student's learning needs. The skills of the teachers, coupled with dedication and resiliency, help overcome the challenges they encounter in accommodating students with special needs. As teachers were challenged in instruction, preparation, and strategies, they dealt with these difficulties using coping techniques because it was challenging and stressful. Hence, teachers must be really in any circumstances that may occur during their teaching careers.


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