The Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students’ Challenges in Untangling the Reading Comprehension Ability
Irene Antipuesto | Andrea Lorraine Quibranza | Maria Risa Ugbaniel | Cyril Cabello
Discipline: Education
In the Philippines, the Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a counterpart learning system that offers
a practical resort to the existing formal education. The primary goal of this program is to provide
diplomas equivalent to either elementary or secondary school levels while eliminating illiteracy.
However, little is known about these Alternative Learning System students' struggles and challenges.
As a result, the purpose of this research is to identify the struggles and challenges that Alternative
Learning System (ALS) students face in untangling their reading ability. The five participants' real life experiences are highlighted in this phenomenology research study. The collected data was
analyzed and interpreted using Moustakas' and Van Kaam's Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis (IPA). Following a thorough analysis of the collected data, three major themes emerged:
impoverished vocabulary, time constraints, and vocabulary development. The lived experiences of
these students in untangling their reading ability were determined using these. The study's future
expansion could focus on ALS's abilities and capacities in improving its students' reading and
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