Cyril Cabello


Affiliates: Cebu Technological University

Papers46 Cites/Paper 19.59 Cites/Author/Year 0.91
Potential Citations901 Cites/Author 2.74 h-index12
Year(s)3 Papers/Author 0.14 g-index29
Cites/Year300.33 Authors/Papers 7.15 hI,annual 8.96

Article List

Open Access Subscription Access

The Lived Experiences Aged Instructors in Online Classes: Their Struggles and Coping Mechanisms

Riconalla, Princess Gladelyn | Quiñanola, Kaila Kristinne | Devila, Jessa | Zozobrado, Jeanfe | Estoque, Rhea Mae | Capito, Neña | Pacheco, Charisse | Mersola, Mary Grace | Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta

Discipline: Education

Learning without Learning in the New Normal: College Education Students Lived Experiences in Blended Learning Modality

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Ando, Kristy | Basilisco, Jovelyn | Deniega, Angelie | Gador, Kayla | Geraldo, Princess Jean | Gipulao, Winni Elaisa Mae | Redondo, Miriam | Sumampong, Mharla Mae | Talledo, Mamela | Villacis, Floramie

Discipline: Education

Stronger than the Internet Connectivity: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Ardiente, Melca | Bahinting, Mary Ann | Endona, Jenevic | Herapat, Mary Abiguel | Lambo, Darell | Librando, Marianne Claire | Librea, Hanalyn Joy | Libron, Jean Bernadette | Petaluna, Mary Jolina | Ygot, Gracelyn

Discipline: Education

Going Back to Elementary Years: The Parents Lived Experiences in Modular Distance Learning

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Abucejo, Cris Marie | Amodia, Jibb Brian | Calorin, Rosalinda | Deo, Niña Fe | Fuentes, Mitch Jylle | Lamila, Keissa Niña | Memoracion, Jelhyn Marie | Patiluna, Korena Mae | Sabello, Lera | Vergara, Gloria Reyna

Discipline: Education

The Cream of the Crop: The Dean’s Listers’ Struggles in the New Normal

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Dorimon, Hannah Tesa | Echavez, Resferme | Egoc, Titagin | Mira, Claire Sharenkate | Rubin, Denise Isabel | Suerte, Riza Faye | Taypin, Kristhel | Temple, Evamie C.

Discipline: Education

The Pre-Service Teachers’ Uphill Climb in the New Normal: Stories to Tell

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Albite, Charina | Cantila, Jennizelle | Daquiado, Ailyn | Emia, Arnie Joy | Lamosao, Reneath | Lamosao, Renelyn | Silagpo, Anna Marie | Tagalog, Anna Mae

Discipline: Education

The Freshmen and Their Fresh Start: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Amante, Wayne Marc | Balbuena, Jessel | Bandoquillo, Hershey Mae | Lagada, Karen | Ogang, Crestine Joy Elisa | Sambrana, Mary Grace | Tabanao, Karl Marie

Discipline: Education

The Technology and Livelihood Education Teachers in Modular Instruction: A Qualitative Inquiry

Perez, Zandro O. | Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Alberca, Baby Rosemarie | Angcahan, Rolie | Baynosa, Felamae | Bucotot, Mary Christine | Bucotot, Elvin | Endrina, Marissa | Evero, Adel | Florida, Karrel Jaica | Gallosa Jr., Fidel | Lacanilao, Ievan Ronnel | Lastimoso, Cheryl | Lumangtad, Stephen | Mangubat, Nelvin | Quismundo, Kiza | Rabor Jr., Roque | Raboy, Jovie | Rabusa, Catherine | Salatan, Jacklyn | Sario, Chrisha Riel | Tabanao, Narlou | Tolentin, Jethel | Villanueva, Ma. Ana Fatima | Ypanto, Leomar

Discipline: Education

Enriching the Teaching of Pie Chart Using Cooperative Learning as a Strategy: A Quasi-Experimental Research

Perez, Zandro O. | Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Antiga, Restita | Cariaga, Jean | Dales, Kame Geraldine | Empis, Ruffa Mae | Gaco, Glydel Jean | Gimeno, Jiselle Mae | Lañojan, Trisha Mae | Lazarraga, Farrah Eunice | Navarro, Analisa | Neri, Rubilyn | Palomar, Menchie | Seares, Rovelyn | Segovia, Chilyn | Tamondoc, Rio | Tapales, Elisa | Tomada, Gina Rose | Ugbaniel, Jessel | Velonta, Joan | Villagonzalo, Khimlyn | Viscayno, Cecille

Discipline: Education

The Kitchen is Sinking: A Phenomenological Study of the Technology and Livelihood Teachers in the New Normal

Perez, Zandro O. | Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Alocillo, Delia | Aspacio, Maricris | Batusbatusan, Jesabel | Bique, Christian Jude | Cababat, Ruby Jane | Celestial, Marilou | Chabit, Nilde | Dela Torre, Niña Rose | Dialogo, Mylene | Dichos, Crystal Faith | Elardo, Reese | Elentorio, Gladys Mae | Espiritu, Lenny | Gallosa Jr., Fidel | Lauron, Richel | Legara, Darwin | Libron, Emily | Manlunas, Lourence | Ortiz, Pinkie Niña | Pesalbon, Hazel | Raboy, Jane | Rabusa, Catherine | Tabanao, Jake | Tapales, Merie Joy | Yamon, Lloyd Andrew

Discipline: Education

Enriching the Discussion on the Characteristics of Solid, Liquid, and Gas Through Differentiated Instruction: A Quasi-Experimental Research

Perez, Zandro O. | Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Apostol, Lyza Mae | Basmayor, Albert | Condiman, Jenalyn | Debalucos, Mechelle | Dioquino, Jorena Mae | Elarcosa, Larabel | Enot, Jineve | Gimena, Maramil | Landiza, Judy Ann | Macasaol, Laiza Monica | Orbeta, Mauren | Pocdol, Jenalyn | Pulgo, Jessie | Ramirez, Alexis | Saac, Margie | Toledo, Ruth | Toquero, Mercy | Torino, Janice | Villanueva, Angelica Mae | Yurag, Honeylyn

Discipline: Education

Improving the Discussion of the Different Kinds of Plants through Computer Simulation

Perez, Zandro O. | Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Adiong, Fabrienne | Alberca, Riza | Ansag, Mariel | Antone, Cherry Mae | Asma, Leicel | Asma, Lendy | Bandillo, Jericho | Calimot, Erica | Cauba, Elsie | Celestian, Jaykee Rose | Erojo, Jessa | Gabato, Ethel | Gabuya, Mariel | Gonzaga, Farah Mae | Jardin, Maricel | Lanticse, Marites | Lariba, Lisamae | Montemor, Junneziel | Novero, Nikkie | Pableo, Jacqueline

Discipline: Education

Improving the Discussion on Weather Patterns and Seasons in the Philippines through Differentiated Instruction: A Quasi-Experiment

Perez, Zandro O. | Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Agarpao, Ivy Joy | Albarina, Jovy Ann | Buaya, Richa | Castillo, Madelyn | Tapales, Catherine | CrisBendulo, Diona | Daligdig, Rosalie | Delicano, Cherry | Gallarde, Chabelita | Gedorio, Niña Jean | Jubahib, Rutchelyn | Lada, Jocelyn | LonaTeves, Myra | Luardo, Jessa Marie | Melgazo, Joubert | Palanas, John Robinson | Peniones, Kathlen Mae | Ricarte, Narrah Mae | Sabillo, Elsie | Silvano, France Leah Marie

Discipline: Education

Enhancing the Teaching of Water Cycle Through an Interactive Multimedia: A Quasi-Experimental Research

Perez, Zandro O. | Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Bucog, Jomar | Bucotot, Glezie Deen | Caballero, Marlou Jamaica | Casquejo, Stefane | Detuya, Elmer | Hernandez, Jorey | Hernandez, Rina | Legaspino, Rosie Fe | Morales, Yvonne | Moreno, Fran Marie | Nacion, Maiko | Ogue, Mary Ann | Pableo, Marvin | Poster, Angel Lyn | Tabjan, Chris Ann | Talaba, Mae Ann | Ungon, Zhella Marie | Yosores, Leonard

Enriching the Teaching of the Appropriate Use of Graphic Organizer through Guided Visual-Imagery

Perez, Zandro O. | Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Ambrad, Leah Lonna | Barazona, Glenda | Dinopol, Ana Loren | Enario, John Rey | Esparaguera, Julie Ann | Gedorio, Ma. Theresa | Glinogo, Jessa Flor | Lobrino, Henne Lonne | Mendez, Danielle | Ocaña, Michelle | Ocaña, Jessa | Salmeron, Geraldine | Salmeron, Gellie Mae | Tabanao, Rutche | Torino, Chelcea Mae | Villanueva, Maria Luz | Villarubia, Myllen Grace | Yong, Joanne

Discipline: Education

The Offering of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science at Cebu Technological University – Moalboal Campus: A Feasibility Study

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Gador, Melanie | Memoracion, Mart | Cabanag, Emma Fe

Discipline: Education

Non-SPED Graduate Teachers and their Understudies in an Inclusive Classroom: A Qualitative Inquiry

Cabello, Cyril | Talaub, Niña Rose | Vilan, April Jo

Discipline: Education

The Compromised Most Essential Learning Competencies: A Qualitative Inquiry

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Gabriel, Belen | Nepomuceno, Julios | Kadusale, Mae Hope

Discipline: Education

SIMS as Intervention in Enriching the Teaching of Fundamental Operations in Mathematics: An Action Research

Cabello, Cyril | Segarino, Glen Mary | Labisig, Jane | Calmerin, Lovella

Discipline: Education

College Students’ Homesickness: An Interpretative Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Baisac, Glenda | Bandajon, Mira | Berongan, Shella Mae

Discipline: Education

Vegetable Garden in the Time of Pandemic: The Light at the End of the Tunnel Amongthe Malnourished Children

Cabello, Cyril | Mancia, Angelica | Martinet, Rosemarie | Mendez, Manuel

Discipline: Education

Stuck Up in the Middle of Nowhere: The Lived Experiences of Teachers’ Latency in their Career Progression

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Escubido, Ed Christian | Longcob, Jeralyn | Salatandre, Jhen Airene | Tatang, Brian Ken

Discipline: Education

Enriching the Teaching of Basic Swimming Strokes in Aquatics Utilizing Contextualized Video Demonstration: an Action Research

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Escubido, Ed Christian | Bonghanoy, Michael | Amiruddin, Bhenser | Daan,, Joseph

Discipline: Education

Enriching the Discussion of Convergent Plate Boundary by Utilizing the Video Instructional Support: An Action Research

Cabello, Cyril | Ugbamen, Jankien | Acruz, Elmer | Causin, Sheena Ernestine

Discipline: Education

Teaching Folk Dance in the New Normal Usin

Cabello, Cyril | Bontigao, Mae Ann | Quintana, Sonora

Discipline: Education

The Transition, Transformation, and Adaptation from Modular-Printed Instruction to Limited Face-to-Face Classes: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Villar, Maila Chokie | Filipinas, Jocelyn | Villanueva, Juvy

Discipline: Education

The Life of the Laters: Students Procrastination in Accomplishing Academic Deadlines in Online Learning

Cabello, Cyril | Taneo, Jingoy D. | Minyamin, Antonieta | Olleras, Jean Louise | Dagwayan, Marissa | Dejacto, Aliann Marie | Mangay, Jenny Rose | Ebarsabal, Medalyn | Diaz, Dinah Jean | Puti-an, Christine | Lendio, Andrew | Nadera, Joan

Discipline: Education

Vertical Articulation of Specialization Among Junior High School Teachers: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Nemeño, Jephuneh Jade | Salazar, Martina | Ricaplaza, Rosalem

Discipline: Education

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) Students’ Challenges in Untangling the Reading Comprehension Ability

Cabello, Cyril | Antipuesto, Irene | Quibranza, Andrea Lorraine | Ugbaniel, Maria Risa

Discipline: Education

Identifying Obstacles in Facing the Full Face-To-Face Classes: A Qualitative Inquiry

Cabello, Cyril | Gantalao, Nimfa | Gantalao, Ronaliza | Romeo, Abita | Torino, Rochelle

Discipline: Education

A Review of Stories Untold in Modular Distance Learning: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Jaicten, Axel Rose | Uzarraga, Abigael Rave | Rodriguez, Roland

Discipline: Education

The Detrimental Effects and Fear of Armed Conflict in Trinidad: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Aningalan, April Ross | Arculo, Juliet | Policher, Wince

Discipline: Sociology

Mobile Phones’ Utilization Among High School Students: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Gimena, Althea Mae | De La Cruz, Alva | Redoble, Jadelyn

Discipline: Education

Solicited, Summed and Sorted Experiences of Teachers in Modular Instruction: A Story to Tell

Cabello, Cyril | Delbo, Mary Jane | Remollo, Blonde | Ramirez, Marris Cindy | Lasdoce, Lany

Discipline: Teacher Training

Reading Skill Experiences Among Primary Learners Stalled During the Pandemic: A Qualitative Inquiry

Cabello, Cyril | Devila, Chie Lou Mae | Lagunero, Jessel

Discipline: Education

The Lived Experiences of TLE Teachers in the Private Institutions Using Blended Teaching Modality in the New Normal

Cabello, Cyril | Flores, Arvin | Mendez, Kimmy | Tampus, Juvelyn

Discipline: Teacher Training

Aftershocks of Modular Distance Learning: The Parents’ Lived Experiences

Cabello, Cyril | Beriawel, Hermae Ann | Sacnanas, Ehlz Marie | Ferolino, Shanice Marie

Discipline: Education

The High School Students’ Struggles and Challenges in Mathematics: A Qualitative Inquiry

Cabello, Cyril | Bacong, Jolina | Encabo, Cherry Mae | Limana, Jayhad Michael

Discipline: Education

The Elusive Opportunities of Senior High School Graduates: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Lumapac, Charisse | Redilosa, Merissa | Arnaiz, Jovet

Discipline: Education

The Lived Experiences of Teachers in a Hybrid Learning Modality

Cabello, Cyril | Espetacion, Hiel | Culanag, Florame | Abiero, Deahmee

Discipline: Education

Fundamental Understanding of Mathematical Problems: Challenges and Breakthroughs

Cabello, Cyril | Libradilla, Carol | Derequito, Franco | Derequito, Deanna Dawn

Discipline: Education

Expediency in Honing Literacy and Numeracy in the New Normal

Cabello, Cyril | Ancot, Rejin | Cabanog, Arianne Mae | Doble, Carmel

Discipline: Education

Looking Back at the Printed Ones: A Qualitative Inquiry

Cabello, Cyril | Arcaya, Ariel | Estorco, Gerard | Oroc, Ronelito

Discipline: Education

Newly Hired Teachers Lived Experiences in Classroom Management During the Full Face-to-Face Classes in the New Normal: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Catulpos, Liezel  | Rodriguez, Jenalyn | Sambrana,  Gine Ann

Discipline: Education

The Lived Experiences of TLE Teachers Teaching Non-TLE Subjects

Cabello, Cyril | Layese, Mary Apple | Castillo,  Antonita | Memoracion, Cherry Lou | Caballero, Michel

Discipline: Education

HUMSS Graduates Landing Station: A Phenomenology

Cabello, Cyril | Redolosa, Vincent  | Maninang, Jobert | Villamil,  Joy | Torregoza, Eva Chandrina | Baena, Mark Anthony 

Discipline: Education