HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 5 (2023)

Integrating 7E Instructional Learning Cycle in Developing Instructional Material Using Google Site in General Mathematics

Princess Corpuz

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to develop and evaluate an instructional material through Google Site in General Mathematics for senior high school students of Marist School during the school year 2022 – 2023. Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions: (1) What General Mathematics Topics were included in the development of an instructional material through Google Site based from the least mastered topics identified by the mathematics teachers? (2) What was the evaluation of the mathematics teachers and the expert teachers on the instructional material through Google Site as regards content, instruction, comprehensibility, and technological aspect? (3) Was there any significant difference between the evaluation of the mathematics teachers and the expert teacher respondents on the abovementioned material? (4) What were the comments and suggestions of the evaluators for the improvement of the instructional material developed? This study used the descriptive method of research. The researcher developed the instructional material with an integration of 7E instructional learning cycle through Google sites which was then assessed and evaluated by fifteen (15) mathematics teachers and fifteen (15) expert teachers who are teaching in selected secondary schools in Marikina City. The data gathered in this study were treated statistically using ranking, weighted mean, and independent-samples t test. The major finding for this study is, there was no significant difference between the evaluation of the mathematics teachers and the expert teacher-respondents on the developed instructional material in General Mathematics. Thus, the material was deemed acceptable and appropriate for the target learners.


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