HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 1 (2023)

Exploring the Teacher Experience: A Phenomenological Inquiry Into DepEd's Drop- Everything-And-Read (DEAR) Program

Felinita Doronio III | Henry E. Lemana II | Gretchen Mhee Llaneta | Jimmar Amarado | Ana Lou Bucag | Mherriel Joy Comeros

Discipline: Education



Reading intervention programs pose intricate challenges for school implementers, particularly the educators leading them. Employing phenomenology as a qualitative research methodology, this study charts a compelling investigative path. It aims to plumb the depths of lived experiences, convictions, and perspectives of educators who occupy pivotal roles in executing the DEAR program. Drawing from a purposively selected group of six participants in the Davao region, Philippines, this research employs semi-structured interviews subjected to meticulous thematic analysis. The study has illuminated themes that intricately capture participants' interactions with the program, vividly portraying educators' roles in program implementation: "Igniting Passion" probes the motivations that propel teachers, "Facing the Storm" delves into the encountered challenges, "Navigating the Tides" spotlights coping strategies, while "Learning and Transformation Through the Program" focuses on insights garnered from participation. The ultimate theme, "Guiding the Path Forward: Strengthening the Program," encapsulates participants' suggestions for enhancing and perpetuating program efficacy. These findings enrich discussions on reading interventions, underscore the indispensable roles of educators in nurturing reading skills, cultivating a love for literature, and nurturing lifelong learners. Implications drawn from these themes underscore the pivotal importance of support, collaboration, unwavering dedication, and proactive adaptations in effectually implementing reading programs.


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