HomeRecoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 11 no. 2 (2023)

Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Satisfaction: The Mediating Effects of Work-Life Balance Support and Work Stress

Leomar Virador | Li Fei Chen | Peng-Yu Li

Discipline: Human Resources Management



Businesses embrace the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This study investigates the individual effect of perceived internal CSR and external CSR on employees’ job satisfaction. Moreover, this investigation explores the mediating roles of perceived work-life balance support (WLBS) and work stress (WS). The researchers use partial least square structural equation modeling to test the data from employees in Taiwan. The results prove that perceived internal CSR and external CSR positively and significantly affect job satisfaction. Perceived WLBS partially mediates the perceived internal CSR–job satisfaction and perceived external CSR–job relationships, whereas WS partially mediates only the perceived internal CSR and job satisfaction relationship. Moreover, perceived WLBS and WS sequentially mediate the CSR and job satisfaction relationship. The study’s findings suggest that it is vital for firms to strengthen internal and external CSR engagements to promote WLBS, thereby reducing WS and ultimately increasing employees’ job satisfaction.


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