HomeThe Lampvol. 5 no. 1 (2023)

Rainbow After The Rain: Lived Experience of Mothers Who Underwent Hypnobirthing

Siti Nurwahidah Yuniati | Marlene R. Padua

Discipline: Health Science



Aim. The purpose of this study is to describe for deeper understanding the lived experience of Indonesian mothers who underwent hypnobirthing. Method. The study utilized the qualitative methodological approach, specifically the descriptive phenomenology by Husserl, to discover the meaning of the phenomenon. The researchers conducted face-to-face, tape-recorded interviews to gather the narratives of the ten mothers’ experiences and used Colaizzi’s method to analyze the data. Results. The four subthemes that emerged from the data are: Theme 1) Terrible nightmare; Theme 2) Imagery and visualization; Theme 3) Soothing lullabies; and Theme 4) Sweet dreams. "Rainbow after the rain" is the main essence of the hypnobirthing experience as described by the mothers. Conclusion. Unpleasant experiences on childbirth brought the mothers to look for an alternative technique to help them experience a painless childbirth. They desperately wanted a comfortable, painless, and anxiety-free labor and delivery. They felt so happy and satisfied after hypnobirthing because they recovered quickly, ambulated early, and breastfed their babies immediately.


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