HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 8 no. 4 (2023)

Parents as Study Buddies: the Role of the Parents in the Implementation of Modular Learning Program

Joel Gutierrez

Discipline: Education



This descriptive phenomenological study explored the role of parents as study buddies of their children in implementing the modular learning program. An in-depth interview was used to gather the lived experiences of 16 parents purposely chosen to participate in the study. The parents included are either male or female, with at least two children studying in public schools and have not gone to school or completed elementary level. Their personal narratives about their experiences, their coping mechanisms to address the struggles encountered, their learnings, and insights from their experiences as a study guide of their children in the modular learning were gathered using a semi-structured interview guide. The data collected were analyzed using Colaizzi's method for data analysis. Findings reveal that parents' learning experiences are varied; they are glad to engage in their children's learning and can learn while assisting them with their module activities. Parents face challenges in comprehension modules, time management, and parental literacy, but they overcome them by seeking assistance from relatives, using the internet, and praying for wisdom. Despite their challenges, they understand the value of education for their children's future and realize that education is the only weapon that can be used to face life's challenges.


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