Difficulties of Teaching Mathematics with Distance Learning Application Systems in High Schools
Murni Murni | Manovri Yeni | Muhamad Saleh | Muhammad Daud
Discipline: Education
All schools worldwide are rapidly entering the remote education process due to the
Covid-19 outbreak. In this process, the math teacher becomes a remote math
teaching partner. The teacher's experience in the remote teaching process of this
mathematics subject, which is a compulsory subject in all senior secondary schools.
This study aimed to see teachers' difficulties, such as problem-solving, class
discussions, teaching aids, and appropriate learning methods. The participants of
this study which was designed as a complex study were 15 experienced mathematics
teachers in various schools in Banda Aceh. This research contributes to knowing the
difficulties of mathematics teachers in teaching remotely to improve the quality of
distance learning which the government is echoing in the present and future. The
study results show that teachers have difficulties in remote math lessons. According
to the findings of the research conducted by the participating teachers, mathematics
classes should not be taught using applications for distance education; teachers have
trouble interacting and communicating with students because there is limited
interaction and a lack of direct feedback, and some students do not attend classes;
there is a lack of information about the use of the internet and technological tools;
there is a significant lack of sufficiency across the curriculum; there are some
students who do not attend classes; there is a shortage of information about the use
of technological tools.
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