HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 1 no. 4 (2023)

Academic Stressors Among STEM Students in Transitional Face-to-Face Classes

Conie Alona B. Patosa | Avelina Oclinaria

Discipline: Education



This study determined the socio-demographic profile, stress level of academic stressors such as parents’ expectations, self-expectations, educational requirements, and peer relationships, and the relationship between the socio-demographic profile and level of stress among Grade 12 STEM students at Baybay City Senior High School during transitional face-to-face classes. The stress level is categorized into very high, high, average, low, and very low. A survey questionnaire was utilized to gather the data using a complete enumeration with 43 males and 62 females for 105 students. Frequency counts, percentages, and the chi-square test were used to examine the survey data. The result of the study revealed that the level of stress of academic stressors among the Grade 12 STEM students was average in parent expectations with a weighted mean of 3.22, highly stressed in self-expectation with a 3.50 weighted average, and academic requirements with a weighted mean of 3.52, and low highlighted in a peer relationship with a weighted mean of 2.08. Also, there was no significant relationship between the respondents' sociodemographic profile and the stress level among academic stressors. Therefore, Grade 12 STEM students at Baybay City Senior High School experienced stress during transitional face-to-face classes. A proposed action plan is designed to manage the level of pressure among the Grade 12 STEM students.


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