Thriving in Constraints:Exploring the Interplay of Human Capital, Social Capital, and Financial Constraints in Frugal Innovationwithin Family Businesses
Timothy Allan D. Alumno | Raya Gabriele T. Azurin | John Renz I. Dumayas | Sherleen G. Tan | Manuel R. Tanpoco | Joliber M. Caminong
Discipline: Business
This study aims to learn the impact of human capital, social capital, and
financial constraints on frugal innovation as perceived by family businesses in the Philippines. Quantitative research was performed using
data collected from 93 family businesses, which were analyzed using
simple linear regression and structural equation modeling. The results
showed that human capital, social capital, and financial constraints, individually and collectively, have a significant impact on frugal innovation. The results also indicated that all measures used for human capital
and financial constraints are acceptable, while some measures of social
capital and frugal innovation were deemed unfit and were removed
from the model. The academe should expand or improve its discussion
and curriculum on frugal innovation and continue to look at this
through the lenses of its theoretical and practical aspects. Moreover,
professors and students should study the relationship further and ultimately expand knowledge and understanding. Family businesses
should prioritize improving their human capital to enhance their frugal
innovation capabilities. Implementing efficient financial procedures, investigating alternative funding sources, and actively seeking external
finance opportunities are crucial. Moreover, family businesses should
develop robust social networks. Lastly, the Philippine government
should actively encourage continuous learning through mentorship
programs and networks.
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