HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 3 (2023)

The Perspective of Grade 10 Students of ARMM Regional Science High School on Listening to Various Songs in Their Study Habit

Irich Besana | Alnoury Cauring

Discipline: Education



Music serves a greater purpose in our lives, especially to the youth and students who listen to music as their usual practice while studying. This study aimed to explore the views of Grade 10 students of ARMM Regional Science High School on listening to various songs in the study habit. The descriptive research design was utilized in this study in which a survey was taken among the 66 Grade 10 students of ARMM Regional Science High School, S.Y. 2021-2022. Based on the result gathered, while studying, most (38%) of students chose all of the genres of music, and above half of them or 51.52% regularly listened to songs. There was the same number of students who strongly or partially believed that listening to songs increased their efficiency in studying. While more students partially believed that the song affected academic performance. And, most (40.91%) of them did not believe that listening to the song can understand more the lesson. Yet, a majority (54.55%) of the students did not believe that listening to songs disturbed their studying. In conclusion, most students were regular listeners of all genres of music who perceived that songs can increase efficiency in studying yet they did not believe that listening to songs can help to understand the lesson more.


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