HomeLPU - Laguna Journal of Business and Accountancyvol. 4 no. 1 (2021)

Perception of Athletic Scholars toward Sports as a Marketing Tool: Basis for LPU-Laguna Sports Enhancement Development Program

Krischan L. Bueno | Paolo Rubio | Ma. Leonora Alusen

Discipline: Education



The purpose of this study was to discover athletic scholars' attitudes toward sports as a marketing tool—the foundation for the LPU-Laguna Sports Enhancement Development Program. The researcher aims to: (1) identify the demographic profile of the respondents according to their age, gender, number of years as an athlete, year level, and type of sport; (2) determine the perception of the Athletic Scholars toward sports in their respective schools; (3) determine what benefits the school will offer athletes; and (4) identify if there is a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and their perception. This study is composed of 44 college student-athletes as respondents. To collect the necessary data, the researcher used quantitative and correlational methods. The data were analyzed using Chi-square or P value; this method helped the researcher find out if there was a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondent and their perception toward sport development programs. According to the survey results, the demographic profile has no relation to becoming a student athlete as long as you have skills and a good attitude; additionally, it is shown that the Sports Enhancement Development Program is a facility offering a variety of programs that teach discipline, respect, and focus of mind that may help them apply it in their future and academic path; additionally, it teaches the athletes to overcome their fear and boost their morale and confidence. The researcher must improve the benefits they will be offered to gain more student athletes and to increase the population of students enrolling in them.


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