HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 8 (2023)


Musawer Hakimi | Abdul Wajid Fazil | Khudai Qul Khaliqyar | Saidamin Sajid | Mohammad Mustafa Quchi

Discipline: Education



In the dynamic landscape of higher education, this research explores the profound impact of Information Technology (IT) on administrative efficiency at Kabul University, Afghanistan. Utilizing a comprehensive research design, including descriptive and explanatory methods, the study employs a quantitative approach to assess the transformative role of IT. The research population encompasses both teaching and administrative staff at Kabul University. A robust stratified simple sampling method ensures a representative sample, with 171 individuals drawn from a total population of 300. The study employs a self- administered questionnaire featuring closed and open-ended questions, facilitating the collection of data aligned with research objectives. Rigorous data validation processes and SPSS version 23 analysis, incorporating linear regression and ANOVA, provide nuanced insights into the correlation between IT integration and administrative efficiency. The results affirm a significant positive relationship between IT integration and administrative efficiency, underscoring the pivotal role of technology in daily tasks. The findings contribute to the global discourse on IT in higher education, emphasizing streamlined operations, enhanced communication, and increased transparency as key benefits. This study offers unique insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by public universities in Afghanistan, providing a roadmap for future enhancements. Crucially, the research establishes actionable recommendations derived from its outcomes to enhance efficiency and maximize IT utilization at Kabul University. These outcomes hold timely significance, offering valuable guidance for Kabul University and similar institutions navigating the complexities of IT integration amidst resource limitations. The research serves as a foundational step in addressing administrative challenges, offering a roadmap for Kabul University's future progress in IT and administrative efficiency.


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