HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 15 no. 8 (2023)


Rechel Camino | Jolai Bolaños | Shaleehah Kamidon | Aisa Lee Marquez | Norhaida Sembao | Joel Asa

Discipline: Education



This qualitative study explores college instructors' experiences with blended learning implementation. Emphasizing their challenges, coping strategies, and realizations. Conducted through in-depth interviews with 10 participants, the research focuses on four key aspects: (1) the instructors' diverse experiences navigating blended learning, (2) the multifaceted challenges encountered, (3) the adaptive coping mechanisms employed, and (4) the profound realizations gained. The findings reveal prominent themes such as the presence of ambivalent feelings, the persistent struggle, strategic thinking, and a strong commitment to the teaching profession. These insights shed light on the complex emotional and strategic dimensions inherent in the integration of blended learning. The study suggests the potential to foster a stronger emotional bond between educators and institutions, encouraging a collective effort to enhance pedagogical practices and make a setting that is suitable for learning for the students to achieve academic success and holistic development.


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