HomeDangal Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2020)

Utilization of funds of “Cabuyao Agriculture and Fishery Multi-purpose Cooperative” for Continuous Operation in the City of Cabuyao

Camille Jane P Galang | Gerald A Garcia | Camille T Sevilla | James Paul B Romero

Discipline: Finance



The main purpose of this study is to utilize the fund of the Cabuyao Agriculture and Fishery Multi-purpose cooperative for their continuous operation in the City of Cabuyao. For the members to be discipline enough in handling the fund and be able to know how to allocate their resources productively and efficiently manage the in and out flow of their finances. The result of the study will help the members of the cooperative to know where they should allocate their remaining funds and be aware to use the different financial management practices that will affect the cooperative’s spending and saving behavior that will help the members improve their decision-making process to be made open-eyes in order for it to be a truly empowered decision and to realize the essence of budgeting, saving and spending.


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