HomeLAMDAGvol. 10 no. 1 (2019)


Ranissa Mae A Raganas



The marketing of higher education is a vital factor in the livelihood of colleges and universities. This study was conducted to explore the marketing management strategies in selected higher education institutions. Data were collected through questionnaires (Marketing Mix Strategies) from 100 full-time faculty members in three participating Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as the respondents of the study. Interviews were done with the three marketing / admissions officers who had marketing responsibilities in their respective HEIs. Findings revealed that promotion is one factor that requires attention since it is found to be inadequate. Image and Reputation need to be strengthened by professors. There is a need for improvement in all marketing mix strategies. A significant difference between students’ Physical Evidence, People, Promotion and Product exists when grouped according to profile. This study provides further evidence that higher education institutions then have to develop a marketing strategy by implementing and coordinating the services of marketing mix elements to achieve their desired outcomes. It is the combination of the services of marketing mix that meets customers’ needs and provides customer value. Hence, HEI leaders should continue building a sustainable organization by implementing strategies and align their marketing strategy and plan with the goals of the institution.


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