Principals’ Classroom Observation Practices and their Influence on Teaching and Learning in Public Secondary Schools in Machakos Sub-County, Kenya
J. Baryarma Kolako
Discipline: Education
Principals' instructional leadership bolsters and supports teaching and learning. The
study aimed to explore the principals’ classroom observation practices and their
influence on teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Machakos SubCounty, Kenya. Weber's (1996) instructional leadership model served as the
foundation for the study. The research employed a mixed-methods approach using
a convergent parallel design. The target population of the research is 3434 and has
a sample size of 350 participants, encompassing 10 principals, 40 teachers, and 300
students. The participating schools were selected using a stratified random sampling
method. The collected data was cleaned, processed, and analyzed using SPSS 25.
Quantitative data was analyzed using percentages and displayed in frequency
tables. Qualitative data was labeled, appropriately coded, and transcribed under
specified themes. The findings of the study revealed that the principals regularly
carried out supervision in the classrooms and ensured that students’ behaviors were
controlled in the classrooms by setting class rules. The research recommended that
the Ministry of Education, along with the relevant educational agencies, should
provide in-service training for principals on their roles as instructional leaders to
enable them to proficiently discharge their functions; there should be an increase in
the provision of the necessary learning resources to help enhance teaching and
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