HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 8 (2023)

Academic Stress and Coping Strategies of Learning Mathematics Through Modular Instruction

Via Marie Joy Corpuz | Fe Janiola | Ethel Nabor

Discipline: Mathematics



The Department of Education introduced various learning delivery modalities to ensure the continuity of learning in this time of pandemic. Distance learning was one of them. Learning mathematics posited several concerns with this implementation. Distance education learners were faced with answering assignments and modules, preparing for summative tests and doing performance tasks on their own without the usual classroom set-up. Also, meeting deadlines for task submission and other social demands, necessitates a great deal of effort to balance these various roles. According to (oxfordlearning.com, 2018), heavy workloads and new routines can be stressful to learners and take time to adapt to. This study was conducted to Candijay Municipal High School students in the school year 2020-2021. The main objective of this study was to determine the different causes of stresses among modular distance learners in learning mathematics, their coping mechanisms and its relationship to their academic performance. The data was generated using researcher-modified questionnaire, then were analyzed and interpreted. The results of this study will serve as a springboard to extend assistance to struggling learners especially in coping with the different stresses they encountered in the new paradigm of learning that has an effect to their academic performance in mathematics.


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