HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 4 (2022)

Developing Socio-Emotional Domain of Kindergarten Pupils Using Aesthetic/CreativeActivities

Danica May Rana

Discipline: Education



The study focused on the status of the development of the socio-emotional domain of kindergarten pupils using aesthetic / creative activities. A mixed qualitative and quantitative study with pre-evaluation and post-evaluation design was employed in this study conducted in Vegaflor Elementary School, Lopez East District in the DepEd Division of Quezon that involved 22 kindergarten pupils’ and their parents with the head teacher and a psychologist. This study revealed that majority of the respondents were primarily males with two (2) siblings. The pupils’ socioemotional development increased from pre-test after the implementation of the aesthetic/creative activities in the post test using the pupils’ actual scores. Their socio-emotional skills development were primarily always observed by the parents, head teacher, and psychologist. There was a significant difference in the pre and post evaluation scores of the pupils in the implementation of aesthetic/creative activities; while there was no significant difference in socio-emotional skills development of the kindergarten pupils as observed by parents; head teacher; and psychologist. The kindergarten pupils became active learners in their socio-emotional learning domain with the use of the aesthetic/creative activities, hence a policy proposal based on this study is needed to be centered in sustaining the significant effect of aesthetic/creative activities and help pupils demonstrate their socio-emotional development skills. On the basis of the conclusions, it is recommended that schools may utilize this study’s output, the proposed policy for the implementation of the aesthetic/creative activities for the socio-emotional development of the kindergarten pupils.


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