HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 4 (2022)

“Find Me Now, Say Me Later”: A Play-Based Approach in Teaching Phonemic Awareness to Grade One Pupils of Kinagunan Elementary School

Joan Garbo

Discipline: Education



This research aimed to improve the phonemic awareness level of selected Grade One pupils of Kinagunan Elementary School using “Find Me Now: Say Me Later” a play-based approach in teaching phonemic awareness. Quasi-experimental method of research was used in the completion of this research. The collected data were statistically analyzed. The phonemic awareness skills of the learner respondents were analyzed using percentage score, 90% -100% interpreted as outstanding and below 75% - did not meet expectations. On the other, the difference between the scores in the pre-test and posttest of the learners were statistically analyzed using paired sample t-test. This study was participated in by the five Grade One pupils - two boys and three girls, of Kinagunan Elementary School who were identified as struggling readers having difficulties in phonemic awareness skills. This study found out that the Grade One pupils of Kinagunan Elementary School demonstrated marked improvement in their phonemic awareness level after the intervention made as evident in the difference of their scores (p- value = .000) at .05 level of significance. This could mean that the play-based approach used was effective in developing the phonemic awareness skills of the learners.