HomeUSI Research Journalvol. 16 no. 1 (2020)

Profile and Level of Performance of Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) Institutions in the Bicol Region: The Case of Tourism and Agriculture Sectors

Regina F. Valencia

Discipline: Teacher Training



This paper determined the profile and level of performance of Technical Vocational Education Training Institutions in the Bicol Region in the case of Tourism and Agriculture sectors through a descriptive-evaluative method. Findings reveal a low turnout of graduates for both tourism and agriculture. There are 20 qualified trainers for the agriculture sector and 371 from tourism. Both sectors are compliant in the facility, tools, and equipment used. The level of performance of TVET institutions in the Bicol Region offering TVET programs in tourism in terms of certification rate was found very satisfactory at 87% while in agriculture 71%., respectively. Meanwhile, TVET performance in the Bicol Region in terms of graduates is unsatisfactory, with 17.25% (2112) graduates out of 12241 enrolled for tourism and 7.81% (119) graduates out of 1523 enrolled in the agricultural sector. Recommendations were proposed to increase and sustain the level of performance in tourism/hotel and restaurant management and the agricultural sector in the Bicol Region.