Socio-ecological status of marine ornamental reef fishery in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka - An application of strategic SWOT analysis
M.S.V.H. Priyashadi K.H.M | Ashoka Deepananda | Asanka Jayasinghe
Discipline: Teacher Training
The present study elucidates the socio-ecological
status of the marine ornamental reef fish (MORF) fishery
in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, through strategic SWOT analysis.
Data were collected through interviews with full-time
fishers (n = 49) fishing at Pulmodai, Sampur, and Kuchchaweli
reef sites, focus group discussions (n = 3), and participant
observations during 2019–2020. Data gathered in-situ
were further investigated in detail, analyzed, and grouped
into attributes of SWOT analysis. Results revealed
higher fishing income (90–900 USD) by 91.84% of respondents
as the major strength of the fishery, followed by low
production costs (24–240 USD), a low labor force, and
others. Seasonality of the fishery, multiple ownership of
reefs, and the limited number of fishing hours (4-6 hrs.)
were the main weaknesses identified in the system. High
global demand, the fish-to-order concept, and the
intervention of local buyers were the major
opportunities for the fishery. Long market chains,
bopyrid isopod infection on Pacific cleaner shrimp,
and poor monitoring systems were the major threats to
the industry. The MORF fishery in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka,
results in higher living standards for fisher communities
and empowers them. The present study has policy
implications for the MORF fishery and the long-term
sustainability of the industry.
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